
Wednesday, 30 October 2013

The Story of Two Coffee Brands

Stories are everywhere, they are the television shows that you watch, the books or novels you read and now they are entering advertisements that you see like commercials.

Telling a story presents an opportunity for advertisers and marketers in content marketing to create and tell an organization or brands story that can resonate with customers.

However telling a story isn’t enough, which has to be meaningful to the customer by being relevant and tell the story from a different perspective. 

 Here are two examples of commercials that I found on YouTube and both brands serve coffee. One is from Tim Hortons and the other is from McDonalds. They each tell a story that is different to each other but one is more successful than the other. 

Tim Hortons “Welcome to Canada” 

The commercial tells a story of a family man in Canada talking to his family and gearing up for their arrival at the airport. He shops for them and then meets them at the airport. As he waits for his family to arrive he orders cups of coffee at tim hortons. His family finally arrives and welcomes them to Canada. 

This story stands for togetherness and family because the story came from a customer that bought a coffee and a story that life changer. 

The story is authentic because the as viewer watches and listens to the story she or he can relate to that as well believe it by being based on a true story from a real customer. 

The story isn’t about striving for excellence or framing scarcity and dictating value because the story doesn’t tell or convey that at all. 

The story goes functionality and enters into the emotional side of the customer to feel happy for this family that reunited and got together. 

This story has ability to go deep into your life experience and remember a moment that can relate to that story and this can be remembered because of that ability resonate with the customer.

McDonalds “Don’t Talk to Me” Commercial

The images were provided from google imnages.

The story tells about a guy named Tim who in the morning is very irritable and tells people such as his roommate and even other people as he meets on his journey to mcdonalds “don’t talk to me till I have my coffee”.  As he finally gets his mcdonalds coffee, he is more talkative and friendly. 

The story stands for is the typical start of the morning and have a cup of coffee because in the morning, we have that one thing in our routine that we must have before we start our day. For Tim it was coffee. 

The story doesn’t really feel authentic because it’s not coming from a real customer and doesn’t feel believable. 

The story is defiantly striving for excellence of the service and the quality of the coffee because after Tim has his coffee, he feels better and at the end of the video they talk about the product.

The story doesn’t show a sense of framing the scarcity however is trying to dictate value by showing Tim being a different person than he was at the beginning. 

The story doesn’t create the feeling of going beyond the functionality of the product such as emotional and psychological perspective of customers because it does not feel authentic and more staged. 

After looking at both stories, it seems clear to me that Tim Hortons story is more meaningful than McDonald’s because it explains that this is coming from a real customer and doesn’t stretch the realities of the story. 

The story has a way of developing an emotional response because the viewer can look back on his or her life experience and relate to the story. As I was watching the video, I remembered my father coming back home and picking him up the airport. 

McDonald’s story isn’t meaningful because it’s not real and doesn’t come from a real customer. For that story to be more meaningful, don’t talk about the product but have someone else talk about it. 

Overall, Tim Horton’s video is old however to me, still has the power to reach to customers on an emotional level that is still relevant to viewers today. McDonald’s had potential for a story however lacked meaning and authenticity. 

A story isn’t really a powerful story if it’s not meaningful to the viewer, having a meaningful story can truly reach out and have a deeper impact on the viewer or reader. 

I would like to thank nexus Canada YouTube channel for sharing the Tim Hortons video and Tim Hortons to develop this video. As well special thank you to the person that shared us their story in the video. I would like to thank lemacedo2010 for sharing the McDonald’s video and McDonald’s for the developing that video. 

I would also like to thank you for reading this blog and stay tuned on Oct. 31 for a brad’s mind vlog Halloween edition video. 

So be prepared for what costume I’m going as here’s a hint:  He is a mild mannered reporter, works for a city news media and is from a town that begins with an “S”. Post your answers to what you think my costume coulon the comment section below. 

This is brad’s mind signing off.

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