When readings blogs, we sometimes find ones
that go on and on and making you scroll down just so you can find the
Others can be so subtle that as you look
for the point, you just might is it in the content.
Then there is Seth Godin.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t write
longer blog post, if you feel that is right way to go then go for it or maybe
in the middle. However there are 3 things to me should be kept in mind when
- 1. Talk like Human, not a Robot: You’re not a robot are you? When write writing blogs, write the way you talk.
- 2. Don’t make it boring, make it exciting: When a reading a blog, it shouldn’t feel like work but make feel the reader feel entertained which will keep them coming back for more.
- 3. A picture or video won’t bite: Adding a connecting picture or video from YouTube can engage your reader further and helps them understand the topic.
Overall to me when reading Seth Godin’s
blog, I understand that when writing the blog, you got to keep in mind of the
viewer. As well, having short blog posts can still be memorable to a viewer.
Write the way you feel, make it exciting, don’t be afraid to add a picture or video
to your blog.
So, how do you write your blogs?
I would like to thank Seth Godin, you’re
blog is fun and engaging to read. I highly recommending reading his blog check
him out www.sethgodin.com/sg/.
I would like to thank you for reading and
stay tuned for this Thursday for new brad’s mind v-log video.
I would like to mention that tomorrow is
Remembrance Day. I would like to thank to those brave men and women who fought
for this country. We will always remember those who gave their lives for our country and for peace. I strongly urge you to
show your support, wear poppy and say thank you to a veteran.
This is brad’s mind signing off.